Weekend with Bradleys
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Can’t download it.
quite nice
General Tips- At certain times no one is available to interact, this free time can be used to drink/grab wine from the kitchen, search the office for Brooke’s vibrator (4x to find), or look at the photo in the bedroom, otherwise just do something to pass the time.
8:00 Free time
9:00 Brooke is in the living room, Melissa is in the Kitchen
10:00 Brooke is in the office (masturbation scene first day after vibrator is found), Melissa is in the bedroom, William is in the living room
11:00 Melissa moves to the pool
12:00 William moves to the TV room
13:00 Brooke Moves to the Kitchen
14:00-15:00 Free time
16:00 Brooke moves to TV Room, William moves to Pool
18:00 Melissa moves to Kitchen, Brooke moves to Pool
19:00-20:00 Automated dinner scene
21:00 Melissa is in the Living Room
22:00 Free time
Ending Specific Tips
Ending 1 – Just fail at everything
Ending 2 Have a good relationship with William, but don’t succeed with either of the girls.
Ending 3 Succeed with Melissa (take wine, accept her proposal, give wine, don’t cheat).
Ending 4 Succeed with Melissa but sabotage your relationship with William by asking business advice while he’s at the pool.
Ending 5 Succeed with Brooke without having looked at the picture in the host’s bedroom
Ending 6 Succeed with Brooke after having looked at picture in Host’s Bedroom
extra good games, too hot