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looks fnn imagination rnning wild
Roshar is good, maybe with some sex scene with him
Sorry i try so many time to play on your webside this game, but it is not loading any way. can you do a swf or exe download how with elenora. thanks for your time and beautyfull games in a past of long years.
Make a sequel for Jessica and make sure she’s not taken like this game
Hey guys, maybe someone can advise me.
Want to play LoP games, but browser is no loading the game. It`s simply black screen of game and nothing happens.
I am using Firefox.
How to get the Jessica ending?
you should make a lesbian version
Good story alternativ, stunning girls, graphics and music is good too.
These games are my favourite type of. Stunning characters, and a complex form of collecting points to develop the quality and relationship(s) of the MC. This game is relatively short and not over-elaborated. I missed only the consequence of the unfinished or the finished book. I love the storyline too, so the game is quite amusing for replaying it from time to time.