Stripper Pick-up
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I Love This Game. When I Play My Pussy Always Squirt!
Thank you riteshkh for the walk through but I have found one problem when you sell the drugs to the guy at the stage you have to keep some so you have to E and Viagra. Other than that worked awesome! Thanks again.
Ending 7:”Holy Shit! I`m having a fucking orgy!”
– Pick up $200 (next to the black car)
– Enter the club
– Stage
– Talk to the other customer
– “I guess”
– “What do you have in mind?”
– Dancer
– Throw a bill out for the dancer [$5]
– Get back
– Check out the bar
– Talk to the cop
– “I`m just here for a good time too.”
– “should I buy us some shots?” [$10]
– “Another?” [$10]
– Swipe the badge
– Get back
– Corridor
– Bathroom
– Shady looking guy
– Threaten him with arrest
– “What do you mean protection, you got a dirty cop in your pocket?”
– “Are you saying you`re paying off that cop out there?”
– Back to corridor
– Go back
– Stage
– Talk to the other customer
– “I`ve got a whole stash of drugs you can have for $800.”
– Talk to the other customer
– “I`ve got the badge.”
– Get back
– Check out the bar
– Bartender
– Order a shot [$5]
– Take it somewhere else
– Bartender
– Order a bottle of Champagne [$100]
– Get back
– Mistress
– Try to have a conversation with her
– “I`ll try to remember, but I`m pretty drunk.”
– Ask if she`d like you to buy her a drink
– Give her a drink
– Pop open the champagne
– [X]
– Devil and Angel
– Try to have a conversation with her
– “I was looking for some hard work as a good samaritan, but you talked me into it. I`ll take the naughty fun option.”
– Ask for a dance
– “Alright, here`s 40. I`ll meet you at the VIP room.” [$40]
– Mistress
– Ask for a dance
– “Alright, here you go. I`ll meet you at the VIP room.” [$20]
– VIP room
– “I hired all of you, I`ve got a lot of cash and I want to indulge myself.”
– “As Rodney King said: “Can`t we all just get along?” Yes, I want more.” [$60]
– “I could handle all of you all night. Hell yeah give me another.” [$60]
– “Well, I do have this bit of viagra…”
– “I know it`s a cheesy thing to say, but the night is young. We could have more songs somewhere else, couldn`t we?”
– “Well, I`ve got some ecstasy and a massive hard-on, plus some viagra to keep it going. Let`s go somewhere wher privacy lasts longer.”
– Feed the girls some ecstasy
– Time to fuck
And fap.. 😉
Dam`n i`m stuck,n i can`t get nice threesome
anyone horny out there???
This game have a good story and fun
I cant start the games?1
I have tried and tried, but cannot get ending 7. I get the badge from the cop and the drugs from the dealer and sell them to the guy at the stage while keeping some drugs for myself. I guy enough dances from all of the girls to have maximum nice and kinky stars, then I invite them all up to the VIP room. From there, I choose the options that say I can handle all three. I always get to a point where I have three options:
“I want more and I can pay to get in on this”
“The night is young and we can continue somewhere else”
“I`ll remember this always”
If I choose the first option they all get pissed and say they`re not whores. If I choose the second option they all get pissed and call me a perv. If I choose the third option I get sent back down to the main floor and by this time I don`t have enough money left to do anything else with any of them.
I always watch for options to use the drugs that I have, but the only one I get is “I have this viagra…”
What am I doing wrong? Do I need to focus only on nice or kinky stars? Do I need to have less stars with the girls when I invite them up? How do I give them the ecstasy?
Well this is a great game, finally I get the 7th ending!
How to get any ending:
General info:
There is a $200 outside next to the car, take it 😉
You can steal the badge – just buy 2 shots for the cop and than steal the badge (by clicking on it)
There is a slotmachines in corridor – it can give you useful money, but it is useless if you can get money differently
In the bathroom is a dealer – you can buy a drugs from him, or threaten him with arrest, if you have the badge and always choose the lower option when talking you will get all the drugs for free 🙂
Next to the stage is a guy – after first conversation you can sell him a badge (for $200), all the drugs (for $800) or all USELESS drugs (for $600)
You can invite any woman in the VIP (chat with them) even all three at once
How to get points with girls:
Giving $5 bill to the stripper gives you one “nice point” by Mistress AND Devil & Angel. (one time)
While having a conversation with Angel & Devil you can choose top option for +1 kinky or the bottom option for +1 nice (middle option gives nothing) (one time)
While having a conversation with Mistress the top option gives you +1 nice point (one time)
You can give Mistress a shot (for $5 at the bar) for +1 kinky, or a Champagne (for $100 at the bar) for +2 nice.
Dancing with Mistress (note you can nearly always leave):
1st option: top gives you +1 kinky point, lower TAKES AWAY 1 nice point,
2nd option: top gives you +1 kinky point, lower gives you +1 nice point, note if you have cocaine, you can give it to her for +2 nice points
3rd option: both gives you +1 nice point but the lower one allows you to have one more option
4th option: top gives you nothing, while lower one gives you +1 kinky
5th option: leave or *see ENDINGS*
Dancing with Angel & Devil (note you can nearly always leave):
1st option: top +1 nice, lower +1 kinky
2nd option: top +1 kinky, lower +1 nice
3rd option: both gives nothing
4th option: top gives you +1 nice, lower gives you nothing
5th option: leave or *see ENDINGS*
Finally endings:
1st ending: try to steal the badge without getting the cop drunk
2nd ending: Threaten the dealer with arrest without badge
3rd ending: After dance with D&A (last conversation option) want more than jerking off, or invite all 3 girls at the VIP at once and do not get 7th ending
4th ending: Choose “Oh no cant we…” option after dance with Mistress (last conv. option) and have enough kinky points by her
5th ending: After dance with A&D choose options that will lead to jerking off and have enough kinky points by A&D
6th ending: After dance with Mistress choose “Oh, It was over too fast…” option and have enough nice point by her
7th ending: The hard one – you will have to get a drugs from dealer by threating him and sell all USELESS drugs and the badge. After that you will have to have severals dance with the Misstres and A&D separately to get enough points (I do not know what “enough” means, but you have enough money to buy 4 dance with each which means you can get all the points – of course if you use also other ways to get the points – see *general info*) Than invite all girls in VIP at once and choose options that suggests you can handle all of them (you will also need the extacy and viagra – but you have that since you rob the dealer). Enjoy the ending 😉
Love this game lol â?? â??
This game have a good story and fun
Good game and great graphics as usual 🙂
How to complete all ending?
Good game and great graphics as usual 🙂
The abundance of endings in the game, and the choice of the plot is very good. Sexuality Sexual strippers are not caused by lack of interest. Intriguing, beautiful game. Slightly lack of action during a striptease in the VIP room and near the pole on stage …
I`m really stuck…i can`t get anywhere. i can get a 3rd dance with angel and devil and mistress (not in the same try), but i don`t know where to go from there. do i need anything from the shady guy?
Do the thing with the badge ,sell some of the drugs and sell the badge as well,then hire all 3 of them without visiting the vip
room.then go to the vip room and choose the 2nd answer,pay for another dance with the first answer
and so on…use your drugs and good luck
For get ending 5:
1) take $ 20 near the car at the entrance to the club.
2)drink with the cop and take his badge.go to toilet .threaten the shady guy>what do you mean protection > are you saying you re paying.
3) go to the customer>sell the drug and the badge after having the conversation.
4) go to angel & devil
try to have a conversation > i was looking for some… > ask for dance > alright > not yet,let me say prayer > i could go all night>farther better > here`s the money > fuck tht
ask for 2nd dance > i am ready for anything > i could go all night > holy shit > honey,i will admire > fuck tht
ask for 3nd dance > i am ready for anything > i could go all night > holy shit > honey,i will admire > fuck tht > no way! for 120$ > i want to buy your souls
Good game and great graphics as usual 🙂
I want a lap dance so bad!
I`m really stuck…i can`t get anywhere. i can get a 3rd dance with angel and devil and mistress (not in the same try), but i don`t know where to go from there. do i need anything from the shady guy?