Real estate agent
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best game
nice game
sexy game
how to do it with riley its very hard
Why is the game not saving? I accidentally left the site or refreshed it, and I need it start all over? Not nice!
Is it possible to hawe anal with Riley?
good games..
no points of relationship is showing help
gr8 game. could have been better for 3some or 4 some….why no new games for lately..looking for new ones please
i almost fucked all 3 of them..damn was tough enough but still good
how to download the gane? anyone who can tell me?
Good game, not too long to get achievements and nice
anyone know how to get sx with riley
How the hell do you earn money in this game ?
Really enjoy this game, I`ve managed to fuck all 3 in the same game (Amelia multiple times).
If you plan your days right (i.e never do anything at home – morning go to office and up negotiation, midday work fitness in the park. evening work on social in the bar. Do this for the first 10 days or so, then start working on the girls. Stella in the morning, Riley at midday, Amelia in the night.
Occasionally you will need to just work on negotiation, fitness and social for a couple of days but no reason why by 25 all 3 aren`t ready to fuck your brains out.
Great game, would love to play this on my iPad but flash so no ???
As soon as you can get your fitness up in the park, don`t bother doing it at home. You waste one of your three daily slots for a +1. Likewise try and do all your negotiating upgrades at the office rather than home as you get a +3. Work on social at home until you can afford to buy beers, then work on social at the bar again as it is faster.
Is it possible to have more than 1 girl at a time? kinda seems like it from the picture of both Amelia AND stella sucking ur dick at the same time buuuttt i couldnt figure it out…got all the endings though soo yay?
if your a hot girl and wanna fuck comment back
I can confirm that it IS possible to sleep with ALL THREE women, but it requires you to use constant re rolls as well as work one girl at a time while working all girls simultaneously each day.
Great game!!! Good graphics
When is the next free Lesson of Passion Game?
Hey guys, still not sure how to get Riley. I got the silk tie and have excellent relationship with Stella, but every time I go to her office there`s no mention of a meeting with a VIP customer. I made all the sales and still nothing. Could someone elaborate on how this conversation about bringing a VIP customer gets triggered?
Riley Requirements
Sex With Riley: 250
Flirt With Her: Relationship 120
Take Her in Your Arms and Kiss Her: Relationship 90
Push Her on the Sofa: Relationship 80 (Choose the Thigh)
Decide to Kiss Her: 50
Try on Blue Dress: 40
Buy The Blue Dress: $500
Try on Shoes: 35
Caress Her Arm: 20
Save Desires chat discussion until you buy the dress
Requirements for Amelia and Stella
Sex With Stella: Negotiation 70 Relationship 200 Perfume
Date With Stella: Negotiation 30 Relationship 50
Touch Her Knee: Relationship 30
Flirt With Her: Relationship 20
Whisper Dirty Things in Her Ear: Relationship 15
Sex With Amelia: Fitness 70 Relationship 150 Perfume
Date with Amelia: Fitness 30 Relationship 50
Squeeze Her Boobs: Relationship 50 (Choose spread her legs)
Kiss Her Neck: Relationship 40
Ask Her to Dance for you: 30
Say She looks Sexy While Sucking Her Finger: Relationship 15
Best Game mechanics ever, worst protagonist. Seriously his face scares my boner… But also about those amazing mechanics You should make enough money from your job to never need to play pool for money. Also I`m finding it hard to grind the “love” fast enough and was wondering if anyone had any advise.
please any one can help me im stuck in this game how can i get 215 relationship any walkthrough please
money is gotten through 2 ways I can tell:
1) real estate sales (you need to get your Negotiations and Social skills up for this)
2) Playing pool (you need social skills and some money for this)
sorry, can anyone tell me how to get money?
how to date anyone of there?
To get Riley, you gotta buy the silk tie, then talk to Stella. She`ll get you a VIP meeting with Riley. Now can anyone tell me how to get sexy Stella in bed?
How do you get with riley?
how do you get the im feeling filthy trophy
good game ! i recommand !
good graphics and fun game. a little challenging as well.
anyone help me how to play this game cheats plz