My girls is a model
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The game has a problem when Maria lies down on the bed. No action is proposed and you can’t find any action to do by scanning the screen from side to side. I tried several times unsuccessfully, with the .exe and .swf files
The game is broken, there is impossible to get sex scene with Alyssa because the game skips some dialogue part!
I`m having a problem. I can`t get any sex scene. Only Alyssa (who is a freaking bitch) is available. Maria always “have plans” no matter what I do or say. Alyssa always leaves me and I always end up alone. Maybe there are some missing lines… I can only say “I`ll be there…” and then Alyssa leaves me. =T
I just end with Alyssa but can`t finish with maria…don`t what i will do when dave comes in?
it is really great game. graphics is so nice.
Love the animation in this game… and the music is good too.
The graphics are great and the game is outstanding
I love this game. Completely hooked. Love trying the different scenarios…as long as I end up with Maria! 5 is da best. She is so amazing, gorgeous and hot! You go, Dave.
Too many errors and this maybe firefox/ubuntu related. Error on displaying Maria vs
Alyssa moods throughout game. During sex with Maria the hand rubbing starts to fail
which eventually can break the sex scene. Alyssa`s sex scene doesn`t show main
characters Stamina properly so if you notice that it isn`t moving during sex you have
to guess how much stamina you have left.
Ending 1: Easy pretty much can`t miss this ending (alone)
Ending 2: Alyssa happy threesome picture with Maria
Ending 3: You leave Alyssa and get with Maria
Ending 4: Maria pissed and Alyssa leaves
Ending 5: Maria happy
1. Boost Alyssa`s mood, first option I believe.
2. For the SMS or purse thing I just pick the SMS if it`s Alyssa I`m after, or the
purse if it`s Maria. It doesn`t seem to have any relevance. Though on my end could be
the fact that mood isn`t displaying properly.
3. Alyssa need`s to be picked up. Spoken to on all options to boost mood (though last
option doesn`t do anything). Then taken out to party.
To Fuck Alyssa who is a tricky bitch.
Get her mood as high as you can.
Take her out on a date after you pick her up.
“So any prospects” talk option boosts mood.
“Would you care for” talk option boosts mood.
Near max mood then ask her:
“Aly what happens”
“I`ll be there”
“You are right”
“Something crazy”
To Fuck Maria.
Get her mood as high as you can.
“You look” talk option boosts mood.
“Well tell me” -> “Marvel Jean Grey” talk option boosts mood.
Ice cream boosts mood.
Playing pool and talking about her panties boosts mood.
Offer drink boosts mood.
Offer drink a second time boosts mood. Don`t do a third.
Kiss hand boosts mood.
If you have max mood choose talk option “Let`s see how rusty” will eventually get you
in her bedroom.
General tips on pre-Date choices
Coffee share.
Salt with salad.
Want to fuck her.
Feel her up.
Be her suggar daddy.
Tell the truth.
Pull the cord.
Tell the truth.
Say will do a better prank.
Pull boss prank.
Ask her about why she`s there.
Tell her that its good have a new person.
Fix the printer and don`t have a typical IT response.
Massage her.
When Alyssa shows up your choice makes one girl`s mood go up and the other one go down.
Asking Alyssa if you should pick her up opens that option later.
Asking Maria for a date opens that option up for later if her mood is high enough.
Talk options when you pick Alyssa up are all goodish.
Take her out to avoid bad end.
At the apartment
I just wish a morning would pass without you reminding me about it.
By the way, I finally got my hands on those galactica blue-rays, are you up for a
marathon of sci-fi goodness?
Today was your big day wasn`t it?
Not joking right?
Actually I dont`t have that much
Maria @ office
My identity
nonetheless + always nice to feast
well for starters
Unplug the mouse cord + Then I won`t tell you + Truth be told
phone prank call
I just cant
Alyssa & Maria
Actually – Maria+
You are just a – Alyssa+
With Maria @ bar
I have a girlfriend and you still choose to come
Well, tell me more about yourself + was it that bad? +
Let`s see how rusty you are +
Pickup Alyssa after her photo session
I am sure the modelling life
with Alyssa @ bar
I think Mungo really likes you
I guess I don`t need to
How about a beer?
Okay here is how to fuck Alyssa:
– Three, magical number…
– Care for a Sip?
– Talk => Today was big day… => Wouldn`t dream of it…
– Talk => You look pretty… => Quickie?…
– Rather help you out of them…
– Give her 250$
– color doesn`t matter
– Just go straight to work
– She`s my girlfriend…
– Offer to pick her up.
– Of course/Some Day… doesn`t matter
– Send spicy sms
– She`ll be tough/actually…, doesn`t matter
– Would you like…/Never mind.., doesn`t matter
– Pick up Alyssa
– Does he take the stick out his arse…?
– Sooo… Hired?
– You can say the third option as well, it doesn`t matter
– Go party
– Order strawberry drink
– Any prospects in mind?
– What happens to us? => I`ll be there… => I feel the same… => something crazy
Again, I dont know if you can still fuck up after this point. However, I am sure that you can get more than one ending from this point on, so be sure to explore different options 😉
I saw a thread on this at sharks and came to check things and it seems people are
having problems so I`ll post what I did in order to get to the sex scenes. By the way
clockwise is positive. Note that there are some variations possible in getting to the
endings, and some randomness involved in mood increases. Alyssa and Maria`s moods
affect the results of the choices you make and have to be above/below a certain level
to attain the choices that you want. For instance Aly will cuss you out if you send her
a SMS when she`s pissed, but when she`s happy she will respond accordingly.
Three, such a magical
Would you care
How`s the salad?
Pass the salt
Talk with Aly
Today was your big
Wouldn`t dream
You look so pretty
A quickie?
I`d rather
Pull up x4
I must humbly
Red (I like this color but choose whatevers you want)
Yes I am
Then I won`t tell
You are right
Make a phone prank
Yes, I know
Talk with Maria
By the way
It`s nice to see
Fix the printer
Nothing major
Talk with Maria
Massage Maria`s Shoulders
Get back to work
Actually, Alyssa
Do you want me
Some days
Send spicy
She`ll be tough
Would you like to
Pick up Alyssa
… So, does
Sooo… hired
Well, I am
Only one thing to do
So, any
Would you care
Aly… What
I`ll be there
You are right
Something crazy
Okay here is how to fuck Maria:
– Nothing you do before you go to work matters
– Yes I am…
– Make a phone prank => Yes, I know…
– Talk with Maria => By the way…
– Talk with Maria => Nonetheless… => It`s nice to see a new face…
– Talk with Maria => Massage shoulders
– Fix printer => Nothing major
– Get back to work
– You are just a quick learner…
– Pick up/break a leg, doesn`t matter
– Ofcourse/I don`t know, doesn`t matter
– Continue work
– She`ll be a tough one…
– Get a couple of drinks…
– Prepare for date
– Kiss her hand
– Talk => You look…
– Well tell me more… => very phoenix like…
– Let`s see…
– That was incredible…
– Go to her place
Okay here is how to fuck Alyssa:
– Three, magical number…
– Care for a Sip?
– Talk => Today was big day… => Wouldn`t dream of it…
– Talk => You look pretty… => Quickie?…
– Rather help you out of them…
– Give her 250$
– color doesn`t matter
– Just go straight to work
– She`s my girlfriend…
– Offer to pick her up.
– Of course/Some Day… doesn`t matter
– Send spicy sms
– She`ll be tough/actually…, doesn`t matter
– Would you like…/Never mind.., doesn`t matter
– Pick up Alyssa
– Does he take the stick out his arse…?
– Sooo… Hired?
– You can say the third option as well, it doesn`t matter
– Go party
– Order strawberry drink
– Any prospects in mind?
– What happens to us? => I`ll be there… => I feel the same… => something crazy
Again, I dont know if you can still fuck up after this point. However, I am sure that
you can get more than one ending from this point on, so be sure to explore different
options 😉
I was able to reach all 5 endings so here is walkthrough.
First of all. It is impossible to get both girls. The only threesome that you
might get is banging Alyssa together with another guy.
There are 2 bad ending possible out of 5.
Most of the choices just to increase girl`s mood and are not required.
I have marked important ones with (!!!) sign. If you choose wrongly there you
don`t get your ending. Though if mood of the girl is too low she may still
reject you even if you choose correct answer.
Beginning is always the same. You just build up some mood with both girls:
* Three, such a magical number…
* Would you care for a sip? …
* Click on salad
* Click on salt on the shelf
* Talk with Aly
* Today was your big day…
* Wouldn`t dream of it, honey…
* You look so pretty today…
* A quickie? …
* X
* I`d rather help you out of them…
* 4 click to pull up
* I must humbly thank you for this…
* Pick any of 3
* Yes, I am…
* Unplug the mouse cord
* The I won`t tell you (slight decrease in mood but next answer increases it
* You are right…
* Make a phone prank
* Yes, I know…
* By the way…
* Nonetheless…
* It`s nice to see a new face around…
* Massage Maria`s shoulders
* X
* Fix the printer
* Nothing major…
* Get back to work
From here on out routes differ depending on which girl you want to get.
### Alyssa, for endings 2 and 3
When Alyssa gets into the office
* Actually, Alyssa is my girlfriend…
* (!!!) Do you want me to pick you up? …
* Some days I…
* Send spicy sms to Alyssa
* She`ll be tough one to crack…
* Pick any of 2 (you are going for Alyssa anyway)
* (!!!) Pick up Alyssa
* … So, does he ever…
* Sooo… hired? …
* Well, I am sure the supermodel…
* (!!!) Only one thing to do…
* Talk to Alyssa
* So, any prospects in mind?
* Would you care for…
* Aly… What happens to us after this?
* (!!!) I`ll be there for you…
* (!!!) You are right…
* (!!!) Something crazy…
From here on you have sex scene with Alyssa and motorbiker. You don`t have to
get motorbiker involved other than taking his scarf. And will get ending 2 in
most of the cases.
But if you want to punish Alyssa and get to the ending 3 then you will need to
work hard here:
Work up a lot of passion for Alyssa until she agrees to give motorbiker blowjob
and get fucked by him. (Increasing Passion is easy because you can touch her
pussy as many times as you like and it doesn`t reduce your stamina, also
throwing panties to Motorbiker will increase passion a bit)
After blowjob and sex with motorbiker bring passion to max by fucking her
For ending 3:
* (!!!) Come on, leg`s give her a makeover…
* (!!!) Hmmm, you look like the slut you really are…
Any other outcome of sex scene with Aly will be ending 2
###Ending 4 or 5
Ending 4 is a bad ending if you went on a date with Maria but failed after
When Alyssa gets into the office
* You are just a quick learner
* Pick any of 2 (you are going for Maria anyway)
* Some days I…
* Check Maria`s purse or send an sms to Alyssa, depending on which you do date
may go differently, but you can get Maria either way.
* She`ll be a tough one to crack…
* (!!!) Would you like to get a couple of drinks? …
* (!!!) Prepare for a date with Maria
* Buy her som ice cream
* Play pool together
* For starters, the way…
* Offer her a drink not more than 2 times
* You look…
* Well, tell me more about yourself…
* Very phoenix-like
* Let`s see how rusty you are…
From here on 3 possibilities:
1) you gave her 2 drinks – she is yours already
2) She offers to go to private:
* That was incredible…
* (!!!) You know? I`d rather see your place…
3) Her friend Bob shows up: (I`m not sure what triggers him, but don`t look
into purse for sure, and don`t make her mood too high (but not too low or you
* (!!!) If you must know…
* (!!!) Actually, it`s getting pretty late…
So you get to sex scene… From here on you get the ending 5 for sure. But
there is a secret blowjob scene… Here how to get it:
* I can distract…
* So, do you wanna chat…
* Such a beautiful woman…
* About this morning…
* X
* Touch here
* (!!!) …though I am suddenly feeling shy…
* (!!!) Now, how about showing me you mean it? …
I wasn`t able to get deep throat, if anyone finds out how please do tell.
Some hints to get the mood:
* Lie Down, relax…
* Shhh… I think I can still… (other option will make a bigger drop in the mood)
Also if you get stuck anywhere during sex scene there is a “Back” button in
left bottom corner
If you get stuck all the time, just fuck her, you will get good ending even if
you perform horribly
Certain questions must be answered to get to the dates and endings of the game. An
example is that if you don`t ask Maria out on a date you can`t go out on a date with
her…. You don`t have to get every question right though, for instance I tested this
chain of events and made a mistake and still got the ending I wanted.
Three, such a magical
Would you care
How`s the salad?
Pass the salt
Talk with Aly
Today was your big
Wouldn`t dream
You look so pretty
A quickie?
I`d rather
Pull up x4
I must humbly
Red (I like this color but choose whatevers you want)
Yes I am
Then I won`t tell
You are right
Make a phone prank
Yes, I know
Talk with Maria
By the way
It`s nice to see
Fix the printer
Nothing major
Talk with Maria
Massage Maria`s Shoulders
Get back to work
You are just a quick learner
Do you want me
Some days
Check Maria`s purse
She`ll be tough
Would you like to
Pre pare for a date with Maria
Talk with Maria
You look
Well, tell me
Very phoenix-like.
Buy her some ice cream
Play pool together
For starters,
Offer her a drink x2
Kiss her hand
Talk with Maria
Let`s see how rusty
That was incredible
good game only short, fast zakanchivaetsya.
what a great erotic game I have ever played ^_^
Okay here is how to fuck Maria:
– Nothing you do before you go to work matters
– Yes I am…
– Make a phone prank => Yes, I know…
– Talk with Maria => By the way…
– Talk with Maria => Nonetheless… => It`s nice to see a new face…
– Talk with Maria => Massage shoulders
– Fix printer => Nothing major
– Get back to work
– You are just a quick learner…
– Pick up/break a leg, doesn`t matter
– Ofcourse/I don`t know, doesn`t matter
– Continue work
– She`ll be a tough one…
– Get a couple of drinks…
– Prepare for date
– Kiss her hand
– Talk => You look…
– Well tell me more… => very phoenix like…
– Let`s see…
– That was incredible…
– Go to her place
pretty good game, would be fun if you could get them both
se ven muy sexiles las dos
This is the best game, I love it I hope you will make second part from this game, And Alyssa is hottest and prettyest girl ever 😉
I can`t go ahead of three magical numbers help me!
this game is developed well, but i wish you could fuck both girls
This game have a good story and fun
Hi! I like game wery much , but I have problem with cursor.
It is a little bit sticky in the sex scene .
Alyssa can go fuck herself, as far as I`m concerned. Who needs such a bitch, anyway?
Okay here is how to fuck Maria:
– Nothing you do before you go to work matters
– Yes I am…
– Make a phone prank => Yes, I know…
– Talk with Maria => By the way…
– Talk with Maria => Nonetheless… => It`s nice to see a new face…
– Talk with Maria => Massage shoulders
– Fix printer => Nothing major
– Get back to work
– You are just a quick learner…
– Pick up/break a leg, doesn`t matter
– Ofcourse/I don`t know, doesn`t matter
– Continue work
– She`ll be a tough one…
– Get a couple of drinks…
– Prepare for date
– Kiss her hand
– Talk => You look…
– Well tell me more… => very phoenix like…
– Let`s see…
– That was incredible…
– Go to her place
I don`t know if you can say anything to fuck things up from this point, it never happened to me. You can get a blowjob and fuck her afterwards.
Okay here is how to fuck Alyssa:
– Three, magical number…
– Care for a Sip?
– Talk => Today was big day… => Wouldn`t dream of it…
– Talk => You look pretty… => Quickie?…
– Rather help you out of them…
– Give her 250$
– color doesn`t matter
– Just go straight to work
– She`s my girlfriend…
– Offer to pick her up.
– Of course/Some Day… doesn`t matter
– Send spicy sms
– She`ll be tough/actually…, doesn`t matter
– Would you like…/Never mind.., doesn`t matter
– Pick up Alyssa
– Does he take the stick out his arse…?
– Sooo… Hired?
– You can say the third option as well, it doesn`t matter
– Go party
– Order strawberry drink
– Any prospects in mind?
– What happens to us? => I`ll be there… => I feel the same… => something crazy
Again, I dont know if you can still fuck up after this point. However, I am sure that you can get more than one ending from this point on, so be sure to explore different options 😉
How hard can it be to fuck your own girlfriend?
Could someone please write what I have to do to sleep with Alyssa?
come fuck with the two girls?
Maria`s pretty easy…I`m still trying to get Alyssa…
i am stuck, cant get Alyssa
It took me awhile but I finally got Alyssa.
Maria`s OK for me, but with Alyssa no way, even if the mood bar is on top 🙁
I`m stuck with Maria, I can get her mood at max but that`s it… :-/
can anybody help please?
I`m stuck with Maria last choices, i get her mood at max but i can`t go out with her!