Looking 4 Love
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How to get style points. How points are awarded for style.
Walkthrough to get BOTH girls to ANAL before time runs out. *=Must do mini-game perfectly.
Day 1 – Flowers, Jog
Day 2 – Flowers, Tennis Club Membership
Day 3 – Train With Pro x2
Day 4 – Train With Pro, Light Furniture
Day 5 – Light Furniture x2
Day 6 – Light Furniture, Buy AC & MP3, Jog
Day 7 – Study x2, Jog x2
Day 8 – Study x2, Jog x2
Day 9 – Study x2, Jog x2
Day 10 – Study x2, Jog x2
Day 11 – Study x2, Jog, Join Discussion Group
Day 12 – Jog, Light Furniture x2
Day 13 – Jog, Light Furniture x2
Day 14 – Buy GPS, VIP Corespondency, Jog
Day 15 – VIP Corespondency x2, Jog
Day 16 – VIP Corespondency, Buy Fish/Bike/Notebook/Toothbrush, Jog
Day 17 – Discuss Group x2, Jog
Day 18 – Discuss Group x2, Jog
Day 19 – VIP Corespondency x2, Jog
Day 20 – VIP Corespondency x2, Jog
Day 21 – Discuss Group, VIP Corespondency, Jog
Day 22 – Feed Fish, Buy Armor
Day 23 – Credit Card Delivery x2
Day 24 – Buy Weapon License, Feed Fish
Day 25 – Money Transport, Jog, Feed Fish
Day 26 – Manicure x3, Feed Fish
Day 27 – Manicure x3, Feed Fish
*** Tina Section: [Topics: Weather,Animals,Travel,Work,Food,Politics]
Day 28 – Talk: Chat[6], FriendTalk, HelpTables x3, Feed Fish
Day 29 – HelpTables x2, Buy Flowers/Chocolates/Silver, Jog,
Talk: Chat[6], FriendTalk, TouchHand
Day 30 – Talk: Chat[6], FriendTalk, TouchHand, Kiss, Gift[ALL],
Date: Hand, Chocolate, Compliment, Funny, Talk[Family/Work], End
Talk: Chat[6],FriendTalk, TouchHand, Kiss
Date: Chocolate, Kiss, Hand, Compliment, Funny, Talk[Family/Work], End
Write Poem
Day 31 – Money Transport, Manicure
Day 32 – Money Transport,
Talk: Chat[6], FriendTalk, TouchHand, Kiss,
Date: Kiss,TouchNeck,Chocolate,Grab Hand,Compliment,Talk[Family/Work], End
Day 33 – Feed Fish, Write Poem x2
Day 34 – Write Poem x2, Buy Flowers/Chocolates/Silver, Feed Fish
Day 35 – Talk: Chat[6], FriendTalk, TouchHand, Kiss, Gift[ALL],
Date: TouchAss, TouchLeg, DressOff, Embrace, TouchNeck, Talk[Family/Work]
MakeOut: LightCandles, Window, Play*, Strip, Play*, End
Money Transport
Day 36 – Buy Flowers/Chocolates/Silver
Talk: Chat[6], FriendTalk, TouchHand, Kiss, Gift[ALL],
Date: DressOff, TouchAss, TouchLeg, Embrace, TouchNeck,Talk[Family/Work]
MakeOut: LightCandles, Window, Play*, Strip, Play*, HJ, Panties, Finger,
Boobs, Dildo, Love
Talk: Chat[6], FriendTalk, TouchHand, Kiss
Date: DressOff, TouchAss, TouchLeg, Embrace, TouchNeck, Talk[Family/Work]
MakeOut: LightCandles, Window, Play*, Strip, Play*, HJ, Panties, Finger,
Boobs, Dildo, Love, Anal
*** Hanna Section: [Topics: Clubbing,Fashion,Travel,Work,Cars,Food]
Day 37 – Talk: TouchFace, Chat[6]
Portrait x2, Feed Fish
Day 38 – Money Transport, Portrait
Day 39 – Portrait, Money Transport
Day 40 – Money Transport, Buy Flowers/Bear/Gold, Feed Fish
Day 41 – Portrait, Money Transport
Day 42 – Talk: TouchFace, Chat[6]
Talk: TouchFace, Chat[6]
Talk: Chat[6], TouchFace, Leg, Gift[ALL], Kiss
Date: Compliment, Funny, Talk:[Previous/Work], End
Buy Flowers/Bear
Day 43 – Talk: Chat[6], TouchFace, Leg, Kiss, Gifts[ALL]
Date: TouchHair, KissHer, Compliment, Talk:[Previous/Work], GiveGold,
Massage, Funny, End
Talk: Chat[6], TouchFace, Leg, Kiss
Date: Whisper, Massage, KissHer, TouchLeg, TouchHair, Talk:[Previous/Work], End
Buy Flowers/Bear/Gold
Talk: Chat[6], TouchFace, Leg, Kiss, Gift[ALL]
Day 44 – Money Transport
Talk: Chat[6], TouchFace, Leg, Kiss
Date: GiveGold, BraOff, KissFeet, TouchLeg, Whisper, Massage, Talk:[Previous/Work]
MakeOut: Whiskey, Music, End
Day 45 – Fish, Money Transport, Jog
Day 46 – Money Transport
Talk: Chat[6], TouchFace, Leg, Kiss
Date: BraOff, KissFeet, TouchLeg, Whisper, Massage, Talk:[Previous/Work]
MakeOut: Whiskey, Music, Play*, Strip, Play*, BJ, Panties, Finger, End
Day 47 – Money Transport, Buy Flowers/Bear/Gold, Feed Fish
Day 48 – Money Transport
Talk: Chat[6], TouchFace, Leg, Kiss, Gift[ALL]
Date: GiveGold, BraOff, KissFeet, TouchLeg, Whisper, Massage, Talk:[Previous/Work]
MakeOut: Whiskey, Music, Play*, Strip, Play*, BJ, Panties, Finger, Vibrator,
LickAss, MakeLove, Anal
Day 49 – Money Transport, DO EITHER
echoing what wcwolf said, jog 4/day for several days (40 fitness) then move furniture for 3 days to get money for both TOOTHBRUSH and NOTEBOOK. highly recommended to get ALL the apartment items in the store and work to get CC run from the bank job line
Ending2: don`t do the horizontal bop with Hanna, but need 1000+ (had ~2400) for make out session
Ending4: same as above with Tina, need 1000+ (had ~2200) for make out session
There is already a beginning guide to this game i just put the rest of the days to help anyone out, so here you go (the first 6 days were written by someone else)
Day 1 – flower delivery, jog in the park
Day 2 – flower delivery, buy tennis club membership
Day 3 – pro tenis training x2
Day 4 – pro tenis training, light Furniture
Day 5 – light Furniture x2
Day 6 – light Furniture, purchase AC and MP3 player, jog in the park
Day 7 – light furniture, pro tenis training, jog
Day 8 – light furniture, study at library, jog in the park
Day 9 – jog in the park, study x2, jog
Day 10-12 – jog x2, study x2
Day 13 – jog, study, light furniture
Day 14 – jog, light furniture x2
Day 15- buy GPS (at garage), VIP bank job, jog
From day 16 it depends on if you want Hanna or Tina
Day 16&17 – talk to Hanna, pro tenis training, paint portrait
Day 18 – talk to Hanna, paint portrait x2
Day 19 – buy gifts (flowers), talk to Hanna (give her flowers at 40 points), paint portrait x2
Day 20 – talk to Hanna, paint portrait x2
Day 21 – VIP bank job, paint portrait x2
Day 22 – talk to Hanna (give portrait, invite on date), VIP bank job, Manicure
Day 23-25 – Manicure x3
Day 26 – talk to Hanna, VIP bank job, manicure
Day 27 – VIP bank job, buy gifts (teddy), talk to Hanna (give teddy, invite on date)
Day 28 – Manicure x2, VIP bank job
Day 29 – VIP bank job x2
Day 30 – use solarium, Manicure
Day 31 – Manicure x2, VIP bank job
Day 32 – VIP bank job, buy gifts (Necklace), talk to Hanna (invite on date-give necklace), jog
Day 33&34 – VIP bank job, talk to Hanna (invite on date), jog
Day 35 – VIP bank job x2, jog
Day 36 – VIP bank job, talk to Hanna (invite on date, on date choose to make out with her at 1,000 points), jog
Day 37 – VIP bank job x2, jog
Day 38 – talk to Hanna (invite on date, on date choose to make out with her at 1,000 points), jog
Day 39 – VIP bank job x2, jog
Day 40 – VIP bank job, talk to Hanna (invite on date, on date choose to make out with her at 1,000 points), jog
by day 41 you should be able to do everything with Hanna, so now until day 50 you can do whatever you want
Fashion +1
Clubbing +1
Food +1
Travels +1
Cars +1
Work +1
touch Face 5
tough Leg 30
Gift 40 (flowers, teddy, gold necklace)
Kiss 50
invite on Date: 100 points, paint portrait (10x in park), fitness 50, $200 for spa
On Date: talk (boyfriends, work), funny, compliment, touch hair (200), kiss (300), massage (400), whisper (500), leg (600), feet (700), bra (800)
Make out: 1000 points, gold necklace, style 70, $400 for room
Make out: play (1200), strip (1300), blow job (1500), panties (1600), egg (1800), make love (2000), anus (2200)
Day 16 – talk to Tina, help clean tables, join group (library), jog
Day 17&18 – talk to Tina, help clean tables, discuss with group
Day 19 – jog, talk to Tina, discuss with group
Day 20 – talk to Tina, help clean tables, discuss with group
Day 21 – jog, talk to Tina, discuss with group
Day 22 – jog, discuss with group x2
Day 23&24 – jog, VIP bank job x2
Day 25 – buy armour
Day 26 – talk to Tina, help clean tables, jog, talk to Tina (invite on date)
Day 27 – Credit card job (bank) x2
Day 28 – buy gifts (flowers), talk to Tina (give her flowers, invite on date), jog, write poem
Day 29 – jog, write poem x2
Day 30 – write poem x2, jog
Day 31 – write poem, manicure x2
Day 32-34 – manicure x3
Day 35 – credit card job x2
Day 36 – manicure x3
Day 37 – buy gifts (flowers, chocolates, earrings), talk to Tina (give all 3 gifts and poem, invite on date), credit card job
Day 38&39 – credit card job, buy gifts (flowers, chocolates, earrings), talk to Tina (give all gifts, invite on date, on date Make out with her)
By day 40 you should be able to everything with Tina, so now until day 50 you can do whatever you want
Animals +1
Travels +1
Food +1
Politics +1
Weather +1
Work +1
Friendly talk 5
Hand 30
Gift 40 (flowers, chocolate, earrings)
Cheek 50
invite on Date: 100 points, help tables x5, culture 50, $150 for library garden
On Date:Talk (family, work), compliment, funny, grab hand (requires 150), chocolate (200), kiss (requires 300), neck (400), embrace (500), leg (600), ass (700), dress (800),
Make out: 1000 points, short poem, style 60, $80 for taxi
Hand job (1300), panties (1400), finger (1500), boobs (1600), dildo (1700), make love (2000), anal (2500)
P.S. if there is a way to get both girls please let me know, because i have tried a couple of times and got close, but i usually can only get one of the girls to do everything.
ce jeux est tous simplement fantastique ceux qui disent qu`il ce bloque ne savent pas jou??e tous simplement.
This is not mine but this comment cant be found here anymore so I am re-posting.
Quick tips for new players:
1. For both the girls, if you try to do something she likes it tells you the relationship level needed to do that. If you click on something she doesn`t like at all, she just complains. Make a note of the required levels for your next attempt.
2. Chat conversation topics – each girl has six that she likes; note those and only click on them.
3. You can ignore the girls for the first couple of weeks, focusing on setting up your skills for income. A good starting sequence is:
Day 1 – flowers, jog in the park
Day 2 – flowers, buy tennis club membership
Day 3 – train with pro twice
Day 4 – Train with pro, Light Furniture
Day 5 – Light Furniture x2
Day 6 – Light Furniture, purchase AC and MP3 player, jog in the park
Then you can either work your way up to bank jobs (culture/money for GPS) or mafia jobs (fitness to 50 for better income, then tinted windows/50 style/weapon)
Once you have the MP3 player, jogging in the park is good to do whenever you are out of morale for studying/working.
Endings I`ve found so far:
Ending 1 – ignore the girls
Ending 3 – focus on Hanna
Ending 4 – focus on Tina
some notes on things that work and minimum points required:
Fashion +1
Clubbing +1
Food +1
Travels +1
Cars +1
Work +1
Face 5
Leg 30
Kiss 50
Gift 40 (flowers, teddy, gold
Date: 100 points, paint portrait (10x 30 time in park), fitness 50, $200 for spa
Date: funny, compliment, touch hair (200), kiss (300), massage (400), whisper (500), leg (600), feet (700), bra (800)
Make out: 1000 points, gold necklace, style 70, $400 for room
Make out: play (1200), strip (1300), blow job (1500), panties (1600), egg (1800), make love (2000), anus (2200)
Animals +1
Travels +1
Food +1
Politics +1
Weather +1
Work +1
Friendly talk 5
Hand 30
Cheek 50
Gift 40 – flowers, chocolate, earrings
Date: 100 points, help tables x5, culture 50, $150 for library garden
Date: compliment, funny, grab hand (requires 150), chocolate (200), kiss (requires 300), neck (400), embrace (500), leg (600), ass (700), dress (800),
Make out: 1000 points, short poem, style 60, $80 for taxi
Hand job (1300), panties (1400), dildo (1700), make love (2000), anal (2500)
I love this game! the graphics are so good!
Well, I managed to get both girls in a single play-through. No special ending that registers that, and that was really disappointing.
If you want to go ahead and try: Jog until strength is 40, skip flower delivery. Work furniture until you can buy the NOTEBOOK and ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSH together as soon as you can. The bank job tree is where you will work, so you will need culture; after you can work at the bank, buy the TRAINING BICYCLE.
You will max out the relationship with Tina first. By the time you start dating you should be working at the bank; at that point, I had already finished Hanna`s portrait as well. Note: both relationships are being worked out at the same time, but not at the same pace. Gift and chat Hanna until your relationship is over 500. Date her until your relationship is above 170; continue with gifts during that time as well.
Don`t rush to reach the end of the relationships, let your “stuff for home” do its work, so get the stat increasing stuff early. I finished with both girls over 3000 relationship points each, but the ending chosen for me was the Hanna, perhaps because she had a few more points. I think it was because she was finished first.
How to start the game
I agree with the below comment that this game is way to repititous and can get mind numbing. The first 2 times I played it I managed to go all the way with both Girls. First Tina, then Hanna on the following play through. The 3rd time I played I like Wcwolf was able to get both girls to over 3000 each.
I then played really bad and didn`t get any girl to get the 3rd ending. I then tried everything I could to try to get the other 2 endings. I even took Tina to 15154 relationship points and Hanna to nearly 8000 relationship points and didn`t get the 2 other endings. I finally backed off and got both girls past the 1000 relationship points but didn`t have full sex with them. I then managed to get the other 2 endings.
My cheif complaint is you have to try to bugger up the game to get 3 endings but there should be 2 extra endings for someone that goes the extreme and tries to get over 8000 points or something.
Just my 2 cents worth.
its good but it loads too slow
Well, I managed to get both girls in a single play-through. No special ending that registers that, and that was really disappointing.
If you want to go ahead and try: Jog until strength is 40, skip flower delivery. Work furniture until you can buy the NOTEBOOK and ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSH together as soon as you can. The bank job tree is where you will work, so you will need culture; after you can work at the bank, buy the TRAINING BICYCLE.
You will max out the relationship with Tina first. By the time you start dating you should be working at the bank; at that point, I had already finished Hanna`s portrait as well. Note: both relationships are being worked out at the same time, but not at the same pace. Gift and chat Hanna until your relationship is over 500. Date her until your relationship is above 170; continue with gifts during that time as well.
Don`t rush to reach the end of the relationships, let your “stuff for home” do its work, so get the stat increasing stuff early. I finished with both girls over 3000 relationship points each, but the ending chosen for me was the Hanna, perhaps because she had a few more points. I think it was because she was finished first.
Correction: date and gift Hanna until the relationship is over 1700.
i like the game but the days are to short
can i choose between the girls or shuld i choose hanna
its quite good but it load too slow
Ä° love this rpg style. but its too short. Please make game like this
Lots of potential, but too linear and repetitive at the moment. I look forward to some expansions. The whole “mafia driver” aspect is just begging for its own storyline.
@sergyu2500: When you first start, the only job available to you is flower deliveries at Jane`s Shop. You have to build-up stats/items to get higher paying jobs.
@Zeekay980: You have to give the painting to her as a gift once it`s finished.
it`s not so easy but really good
I finished the painting, but when I go to date Hanna it says that I didn`t.
Go to the stars on the map and get jobs that you qualify for.
i can`t figure out how you make money in this game