Living with Lana
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Hello to the few people who will be reading this
I picked up this game a week ago, and I’ve gotten obsessed over finishing it as fast as possible. It took me a long time and a fuckton of head scratches, but I’ve finally figured out how to complete the game in 12 days (Friday of week 2)
This is going to be a comprehensive guide on the perfect Living With Lana playthrough:
First, you should know that we’re going to make heavy use of the Time Manipulation Glitch (TMG). This bug allows you to interact with Lana at the wrong time, and is used heavily to gain more hearts than usually possible. Here’s how it works:
For example, let’s say that Lana is at the kitchen at 15:00. You can exit the game through the menu, and then load back the game. This resets the time to 9:00 (morning), but Lana’s position is not updated, meaning that she is still in the kitchen, and not the couch. This let’s you interact with the kitchen version of Lana, alongside her kitchen interactions (eat dinner with her, take her top off, etc.) This will come in handy for getting more hearts.
Now with that out of the way, let’s start with week 1.
Our goal is to get as many strength as possible for the first few days, since you need 30 of them to work as a bouncer at the club. Working as a bouncer is the fastest way you can get money, which will be crucial later on.
For day one, we’re just going to eat a healthy meal 5 times, bringing your strength to 5.
Day two, you want to go to the park, and practise jogging 4 times. The park is only open from 9:00 to 18:00, so you’ll instantly go back to the train. Go to your room (the one with a laptop, not Lana), and watch porn movies. This will put you at 5 sexperience and 13 strength, and a handful of morale.
Day three, practise jogging once. You now have 15 strength, enough to play basketball at the school. Now go to the school and play basketball twice. The time should now be 18:00, and Lana is reading a book on the sofa. Finally, we can start talking to her! Go back to your house, and talk to Lana about her first kiss. You must choose the first kiss potion, as it’s the only one that gives 3 hearts. To end the day, go to your room and watch porn movies, putting you at 10 sexperience, 21 strength, and 3 hearts.
Day four, go back to the school and play basketball 3 times. Now, you have 30 strength, enough to work as a bouncer. From this point on, strength will no longer be relevant. Before that, go back to your home and talk to Lana about any topic you like (except for wildest fantasies). Finishing the day, go to the bar and work as a bouncer. You should now have $40 and 5 hearts.
Day five. Here, we will need $25 for the flowers to increase the heart cap, and 20$ to go to the bar. Adding them up, we are just $5 short from affording both. Conveniently, we can get those $5 by selling newspaper. First, sell newspaper, bringing your total money to $45. Next, buy some flowers, go back to your home, and give the flowers to Lana. After this, the heart cap will be raised, and you should now have 10 hearts. Lana will automatically ask you to go to the bar, which you should accept. At the bar, you can only compliment her dress and talk to her about any random topic, before going home. Finishing the day, go back to the bar (by yourself =[ ) and work as a bouncer. You should now have $30 and 19 hearts. From this point on, our focus will shift towards getting as much money and hearts as possible.
At the start of day six, you and Lana will automatically go to the laundromat. This event is unavoidable, but hey, it gives you 5 hearts. After this, go to your room and watch porn videos. Next, go to the kitchen, pick Lana up, and remove her top. Then, work as a bouncer at the bar, and finish the day by watching more porn videos. You should end the day with $60, 20 sexperience, and 30 hearts.
On day seven, this will be the first instance of us using the Time Manipulation Glitch. Start by doing whatever you like until you reach 15:00, where Lana is at the kitchen. Exit to the title screen, then click load game. Lana will be at the kitchen, while the time shows 9:00. Now, with this kitchen Lana, pick her up and remove her top, giving you 6 hearts, instead of the 2 you will get by kissing Lana at the couch (where she should be). Now you can see how powerful this glitch is.
Now, with the time showing 12:00, and Lana correctly at school, watch porn videos in your room. Then, we will do the same interaction by picking Lana up at the kitchen and removing her top. Next, work as a bouncer at the club, and to finish the day, go to your bedroom (with Lana) and do a passionate kiss with her. You should now have $90, 25 sexperience, and 45 hearts.
Now at week 2, we have 4 more days before our next bar date with Lana, and finishing the game in 12 days. In that time, we must get $210, 40 sexperience, and 150 hearts to beat the game. Thankfully, with the Time Manipulation Glitch, this will be a cake for us.
Starting at day 1, we will do the same glitch as the last day (TMG at 15:00). With phantom kitchen Lana, pick her up and remove her top again. This time, 12:00 will be skipped, as Lana compliments our muscle. This is actually the 50 heart limit being raised, by having 30 or more strength (which we already got on our first week). At 15:00, pick Lana up again and remove her top. Next, work as bouncer at the club, and end the day by watching porn movies. You should now have $120, 30 sexperience, and 59 hearts.
For day 2, we will do another TMG at 15:00. With phantom kitchen Lana, remove her top once again. Next, watch porn movies, then go to the kitchen and remove Lana’s top again. Work as a bouncer at the club, and finally, go back to your bedroom (where Lana is), strip Lana, and ask her for a handjob. You now have $150, 35 sexperience, and 80 hearts.
From this point on, the TMG will no longer be necessary, so you can start day 3 by interacting with morning couch Lana and caress her. Next, watch porn videos in your room, and then this time, in the kitchen, you can pick up Lana and lick her pussy, giving you an extra 1 sexperience. Work as a bouncer again, and go back to your bedroom, strip Lana, and ask for another HJ. You now have $180, 100 hearts capped, and 41 sexperience which will be enough for the playthrough.
To increase the cap, you need to visit Lana while she’s at school (12:00). For day 4, You can do whatever you want at 9:00. Next, you need to visit Lana at the school (the same place where you play basketball). You and Lana will go for a date on some cafe. Here, you need to do these things in order : Put your hand on her knee, kiss her and put your hand under her skirt, then ask her to spread her legs., revealing that she isn’t wearing panties. Next, touch her pussy, then ask her to lick your fingers. This will give you the maximum amount of hearts from this event. Remember to pay for the bill, giving you an extra 5 hearts. Now, back in your home, go work as a bouncer for the very last time, then go to your bedroom, strip Lana, then ask her to masturbate. You need to order her to continue to get the hearts needed. Now, you should have $190 and 148 hearts.
Finally, day five. The last day of this playthrough. In order to get the best ending, you need to have sex with Lana in the bathroom of the bar. To start the day, caress Lana’s pussy, maxing out the heart count at 150. In order to unlock it further, and get the final ending, you need to give Lana a ring, available at the train for $150. Buy it, then give the ring to Lana at the kitchen. Now, the heart limit is removed, and you have 175 hearts. Lana will ask you to go to the bar, accept it.
Now at the bar, with your remaining $20, offer her a tequila shot twice. Compliment her dress and talk to her, before you can start caress her body. Start with her calve, then her thigh, and finally her breasts. Then, stand between her legs and kiss her. With more than 150 hearts, you can take it to the bathroom, where the final ending can be achieved. Of course, if you want to interact with Lana more, you can just release her and do it again at your third visit to the bar (day 19). But here, we will assume that you both went to the bathroom. Here, you need to ask her to kneel in front of you first for a BJ, before asking her to spread her legs (do not cum inside her mouth!) and finally have sex in the bathroom. Before cumming, remember to do what she says, and pull out.
With this, you have achieved the third ending, finishing the playthrough at just 12 days! That’s all I have for this guide, and maybe I’ll be making another one like this in another game?
Nice game, but it is too easy. Want something more….
thankoyou nice game
there`s a bug where when you exit to the main screen and continue playing, the time will reset to 9 am but lana will not (e.g. if she was at the kitchen, she will stay at the kitchen), but after 9 am lana will follow her normal schedulernrnthis can be used as an advantage to get more hearts
How to get higher than 50 hearts?rnI just stuck in 50..rnSomebody help me please..
The game is a little bit hard at the first play,and the girl seems cold, But once you guys get To Fall in love, Everything Feels Really Passionate,rnThat`s the type of Erotic Game i like,one with Story,Passion,Love, and with quite a Difficult level, Is very Fun to play,and with great animation,My Favorit Erotic Game,i see People complaining about the 22 days thing,Well, if it were 50 or 100 like sme suggested, it would be Not so challanging,is Possible to finish the tasks in 17 Days, and you have 5 Days left to Sex her
Good game the girl is beautiful but we can`t do a lot af things with her
My games are not showing helprn
It is an amazing game!!!! It is very real !!!!
This a fantastica game.
But there is a big problem. I reached 8 achievements. But wehn I I log in to played again it just show 2 achievements. Do someone now what the problem is??
It doesn`t want to start on the iPad, please help
Do I need to play it on the pc, or the iPad is enough?
How to get her from school, I am struck at it
wonderful game wonderful experience
Its a very nice game.. Hoping for next ending or eps
Here all possibilitys
9:00 – Hearts (â??) required
Ask her how she`s doing – 0 â?? //// Gives 1 â??
Kiss her – 5 â?? /// 2 â??
Cares her pussy – 50 â?? /// 5 â??
Try to max “morale” on the first days and earn some money to pay Taxi 20$ and flowers 25$ and give her them before you go to the club. (Required for WC-Sex)
Best method to earn “morale” is going to School and talk with friends.
If you have 100 â?? go to School to pick her up in the school.
Put your hand on Knee – 100 â?? /// 3 â??
Kiss her and put … – 100 â?? /// 5 â??
Ask her to spread … – 100 â?? /// 5 â?? (“Touch her Pussy”) + 5 â?? “Ask to lick salvia from fingers + 10 â?? + archievment
Pay the Bill 20$ /// 5 â??
Start to touch her – 50 â?? /// 3 â??
Cares her calve – 0 â?? /// 2 â??
Her arm – 0 â?? /// 2 â??
Ask to remove her arm – 75 â?? ///
Remove her dress – 100 â?? ///
Just Compliment her smile – 0 â?? ///
Eat dinner with her – 0 â?? /// 1 â??
Hug her and kiss her – 5 â?? /// 2 â??
Pick her up – 10 â?? /// 2 â??
(On the Table: french Kiss Her – 15 â?? /// 2 â??
– Remove her top – 25 â?? /// 4 â??
– Lick her Pussy – 75 â?? /// 5 â??
– Take her on the table – 130 â??
Talk with her – 0 â?? (exept “About her fantasies” – 50 â??) /// 2 â?? ( “About first Kiss gives you 3 â??)
Flirt with her – 5 â?? /// 2 â??
Ask her to show pussy – 50 â?? ///
Cover her eyes and lick her – 75 â?? /// 5 â?? ( do always “Don`t listen …” the first option wont work) + 15 â??
Ask for a BJ – 150 â?? ///
Massage her back – 5 â?? ///
Kiss passionately – 25 â?? ///
Strip her – 50 â?? /// 5 â??
– Finger her – 50 â?? /// 3 â??
– Ask he for HJ – 75 â?? ///
– Ask to masturbate – 100 â?? ///
– Ask for Sex – 130 â?? ///
(Friday in the Club:
Compliment her dress – 0 â?? /// 2 â??
Offer a Tequila – 0 â?? ///
Talk with her – 0 â?? /// 2 â??
Gently Cares her Body – 50 â?? /// 10 â??
– Cares her calve 50 â?? /// 2 â??
– massage her tights 50 â?? /// 2 â??
– touch her boobs 75 â?? /// 2 â??
– Stand between her legs and kiss her 75 â?? /// 2 â??
– Put figer inside her 100 â?? /// 4 â??
(if you do it well until here and reached 150+ â?? you will go with lana into the Bathroom)
– Always do here “Ask her to kneel in front of you” – you will get a BJ
– than choose “Ask her to spread her legs for you” cause you can cum inside her mouth on the couch at 18:00)
When you reached 150 â?? you have to buy a Ring 155$ to proceed /// + 25 â??
I hope i could help a bit
lg InsideCuming
why this game not have some awsome story
this game are not completed
oh, and notice how they don`t replay. EVER? Just saying
I will never pay for their games because of the stupidity…… the 22 days. haha. even their 30 day games….. why would i pay from these demo`s ? they fail to hook people, but dont realize it, do they? give us one solid game to hook us…. they wont though. I just laugh at them like i`m doing now.
How do you save the game??
I am intrigued with the second scene on the laundry. I can´t move her arm or rise her skirt. If I try, I lose relationship points. But if I just avoid those spots and kiss her, I lose points too! What is the key for that scene?
640 love points for 22 days!
how to pick her up from the school? help please how to get ending 2 or 3 i`ve been stuck on ending 1
Great game with great scenes, but a little to easy. First time I got Ending 1 and the second time I got Ending 3. How to get achivments “Sexy show for You” and “Slut I am”? Got all the others but I`m missing these two.
fun game, got ending 1 so far
nice game, great graphic ;))
Not hard to get through; you can completely abandon Art if you want to… focus on Body until you can work as a bouncer for cash; you only really need $245 the entire game, then just seduce the heck out of her every chance you get. `Use` the computer if you have downtime, working the Sex skill opens up faster relationship builders (once you are are 50 or so relationship to begin with)
Good job! I waiting for expansion. One thing to do first, Douglas climax bar don`t working, in rest all good.
the game is great but I wish the game was longer maybe 50 to 100 days not 22, cause when I was thrown the curve ball of buying her a golden ring which is $150 I literally said “what” cause i only had $50. My only concern is the time limit length, please make it longer to 50, 75, or 100 days, if it can be longer than I`d give this game a solid 10/10
nice game, i waiting for more
good game, good graphics
is there only 1 ending and help
fun game
could make 50 days not 22
22 is to hard
you cannot save the game,if you go to the title screen from the game then it will say load game and you will start back where you left off…..
How do you save the game